Monday, April 8, 2013

Food and the food blog

I know it seems that I keep blogging about food.

It is definitely not a surprise that I am larger than life, because food and I are friends, but not best of friends. 

Am I making sense?

Anyway, I wrote about making a food blog a few months ago. And so I did. I know I was going to keep all the posts on this blog, but it just seems to disorganized. I am also giving in to my nature of being a blog creator. Sue me.

Another thing is that I also hope to ask my friends to pitch in if they want. But maybe its too lame.

So I created this new food blog:

Why? Because I wanted to use that blog. I created the blog simply because I like the name. At first, I tried making it into a tech blog but eventually deleted all the blah posts and now I shall repost some stuff over to that blog.

Its also going to serve as my scrapbook of kitchen conquests so that I do not forget what I did and how my experiments turn out. It will also feature some dishes that I have tried, places I've dined at. And mostly blahs.

Do visit it when you have a time.


  1. Yum! :) I tried making a food blog but ended up having just 1 post for weeks now so I deleted it this morning :P but I'll definitely check out yours ;) will link it up - no worries, no link backs necessary ;)

  2. thanks for dropping by the other blog mam! hehehe
    I will link you back pud. but at the moment, i'm still setting it up and blah blah blah. hihih
    you should make another food blog!!
