Thursday, March 28, 2013

The keyboard named Felicity

Would you say I'm sane if I told you that my current state of happiness is because of a keyboard?

Yep. A keyboard.

I gots me a keyboard and we are going to get married.

No, scratch that. I am already married. So, we shall be like best friends and have ice cream during these days where Phnom Penh weather has decided that we are all popsicles lying on the hot asphalt.

For months I have been struggling with a keyboard that does not work. Okay, maybe it does work a little but it has already complained several times that it has refused to give me the service I require.

So today, to celebrate certain blessings, I finally got a new keyboard.

I shall name her... Felicity. Yes, that shall be her name.

Why Felicity? Because ARROW.

I have a huge girl-crush on Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett). I think she is just adorable. More adorable than Jess, from New Girl. BUT THAT'S JUST MY OPINION, K? Its the geekiness, the chic geekiness. Makes me want to be like her. Truly. No lies.

So, my keyboard happiness has prompted me to write a post.

Yes, I am actually brimming with words that are not work related, and I've been meaning to write. It's just that the keyboard I was using was unbearable. Who wants to write with that?

Now, I have one that works.

Remember, her name is Felicity.

And now, I shall go back to more productive things... Like, setting up my new blog!

Yes, I have another one.


Monday, March 18, 2013

Quick update on my stellar life

I actually have play by play posts on what has happened in my life, yet I have not managed to finish a single post. It is not that I have procrastinated, merely that I feel that the posts need more *oomph* than the substance that it currently has.

5 quick updates so you can go on your way, and I will do whatever it is I am up to doing right now.

  1. Health - so far, so good. I have lost 2 lbs in 2 weeks. It is not that much, but believe me, right now, I am enjoying the lowest weight I have achieved since 2009. THAT long. Yes. Me, myself, and I are on a journey of self discovery and we are taking it slow.  

Saturday, March 9, 2013

[Nham] Treats from Jars of Clay

Howdy! :)

My mom's office is being transferred to a place a bit far from the old one because of contract issues with the landlord and whatnot. Though its hard being uprooted, my mom said the transfer does have one BIG perk, and that is the fact that it is now closer to Jars of Clay!

Jars of Clay happens to be my FAVORITE cafe/pastry shop or whatever you call it. I think 'cafe' is more appropriate because they serve coffee and other treats. BUT my favorite would have to be the treats that they bake.

Months ago, my mom introduced me to this place when she bought some brownies that are TO DIE FOR. Seriously. Seriously. However, the shop had to close for renovations that took forever, so I sort o  forgot about it and went on to worship other shops. LOL.

Last week, she came home with a surprise. She gave us 2 take-away containers filled with brownies and chocolate chip bars from Jars of Clay, and guess who became a happy monkey? Moi! Who else?

Anyway, I was feeling blue today and I sort o  begged my mom to buy brownies. But she did not reply to my texts so I thought she was probably busy.

Lo and behold! When she arrived this afternoon, she came bearing gifts... *teehee* These may not be brownies, but it was something I did not try before.

Apricot Crumble and Raspberry Bar from Jars of Clay

Loved it! The Apricot Crumble was just soooo heavenly, and the Raspberry Bar was simply delicious. She kept asking me which one I preferred, and I could not choose. Both are are just drool-worthy. Yum! But my heart still belongs to their brownies. Hehehe

Jars of Clay is a project from an NGO (Non-government Organization) that was formed in 1998. It is entirely run by Cambodian women who seek a chance to excel in life. Some of these women are those who have been rescued from trafficking and those who have had significant hardships in life. The profits of  this shop are used to help those in need such as children who need help with school fees, and more.

Monday, March 4, 2013


I've thought about several posts over the past few days, but you know how it goes. One minute you know what you want to write about, and the next thing you know, you forget what it was all about.

My friend, Miss Feyoh, pointed out a couple of weeks ago that I am going through an introspection phase. You know, where you look at yourself and assess if you are actually a good person or not. The problem with introspection is that sometimes you tend to tell yourself that it is all good, and that you do not have a problem. If you are not being honest with yourself, then the whole point of looking inside is ... well, pointless.

I have not gone far with this whole exercise, but I will tell you what I have accepted (or at least learning to) about my self so far: