Wednesday, October 10, 2012

[Artsy Fartsy & Stuff]: Picking up the pen(cil)

Well, I haven't exactly drawn much these days... apart from your everyday doodles, that is.


I left my heart and soul in ... the Philippines. LOL I left my crayons, pens, pastels, etc. in a small box that is probably gathering more dust than the desert.

I've never really stopped drawing this and that on the sides and certain sheets of my notebook at work, and today, I've decided to give it a try. Again.

This is what I managed to create today. It is a 'Work in Progress' or WIP.

Its not much.

FYI, I totally suck at drawing humans, and I think this is the first time it turned out at least acceptable (for me).

Yes, I am aware that this is the initial sketch. LOL My friend Rhardo over at Deviantart posts stuff like these.

The initial sketch then shows the progress.

I'm not even sure what I am going to do with this. But I guess it is a start.

I tried to draw something in under 10 minutes, and this would be the outcome.

I find it therapeutic - like writing and reading. I guess what I mean to say is that you might find posts about what I am drawing today. I know its not good enough, but I'm sort of starting out.

Catch you later, dudes!

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