Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Battle Royale: Of tea and coffee

Good morning.

Today is a Wednesday. It is Hump Day, and it truly feels like a hump of a day for me.

It would be easy to claim that I foresee the coming hours to be smooth, yet that seems highly improbable. That is why I started the day with tea.

I guess there remains this grand debate as to which is better. TEA or COFFEE. Many tea lovers would say, 'tea, darling,' while many coffee lovers would say, 'I don't have blood in my veins, just coffee.' Or something like that.

It's my mom that comes to mind whenever I read that coffee line. Though she drinks tea, too.

As for myself, I find that both have their own effects on my system.

If I prefer to have a really chill day, then I go with tea. I find it opens up the senses and encourages me to breathe. Oh, yes, I drink tea now. I used to loathe it with a vengeance, but now not so much. I still cannot stomach green tea though. I am simply a beginner.

On the other hand, if I prefer to SEIZE the day, then by God, I'm gonna have coffee. Lots of it. If I am stressed and losing will to survive, then my go-to is coffee. Lots of it.

At the end of the day, I still think I am more of a coffee lover, though tea and I are becoming fast friends.

For challenging days such as today, I started off with tea.

Ten bucks says I will drown myself in coffee before the day is through.

Have a good one, folks!!

*Note: This was written early in the morning from my phone. However, because the Blogger app royally sucks, this is now a late post.