Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tempest in Coffee Cup

The weather is fine in Phnom Penh these days, and more often than not, I find myself pining for a cup of coffee or a soothing bowl of soup. Mmmm..

The rainy season has indeed begun, and while I could sit here and talk about the weather and how lightning in Cambodia terrifies the heck out of me, let us leave that for another day and lets talk about something I know nothing about.. Coffee.


Do you love coffee? I love coffee. I crave coffee, I have headaches when I am out of caffeine for a month or so. Yes, I am not that addicted to coffee though, which is good news.

I recently learned that there are a gazillion types of coffee in the world. I used to be more of a 3-in-1 (instant coffee) gal before my new work place spoiled my taste buds and now for some reason packet coffee just doesn't taste the same anymore. Oh woe is me.

But can I tell you a secret? I don't know what I am drinking.

If somebody asks me, I'd say 1/4 coffee + milk + a bit of sugar... LOL but what does it all mean?

I think I'm drinking caffe latte. But I am not sure.. I wish it was cappuccino, but I am pretty sure I'm not drinking cappuccino. So maybe its a variant of caffe latte or maybe cafe au lait, cafe con leche, koffie verkeerd, kawa biala, and blah blah blah.

Either way, it is coffee - some form of it. With an equal amount of milk because without it, I get migraines. Also, it must have a bit of sugar - because I am sweet. LOL

To be perfectly honest, I am not some kind of coffee connoisseur. I am but plebeian with acquired tastes.
So this is coffee for me.

Someday, I wish to be come more acquainted with tea and perhaps cross the line from caffeine-veined to tea-veined. 

So, can you tell me more about coffee in your world? Is it good? 

P.S., I would really like to try Kopi Luwak. Blame it on the Bucket List movie. LOL


  1. I am more of a tea person now. It all started when I read somewhere that green can make me lose weight lol!

    I do drink a lot of tea now but I still have a lot to learn about tea. All I know is I like drinking Oolong tea than green tea :)

    Hey, how long have you been here in PP? :)

    1. hey.. I heard that was true... but despite that alluring fact, I cannot bear to down even 1 cup. One gulp of tea, that much I can manage... but NO MORE THAN THAT! hehe

      I need to start that habit ASAP though! Oolong tea? I should try that. Thanks for the idea!

      Oh, I am a n00b. Been here just less than a year. You? :)

    2. Three years last month :)

      If you fancy meeting a Pinay here in PP, let's grap a cuppa together? I like going to Brown (for their ambience lol) and Gloria Jeans (for their cafe latte). I drink my tea mostly at home :)

    3. Oh wow! Awesome! That's quite a long time! :)

      Sure, I think we can manage that soon. ;) I agree with the ambiance at Brown, though Gloria Jeans also has delicious offerings. Your choice! hehe

    4. i love minty tea. and also the rose tea (i think it's rose tea. hehe) that's served in chinese restaurants. oolong tastes good, too.

      when i dine out with friends and all feeling bloated after eating, i always ask for tea. really helps with digestion.

    5. Yeah, the Chinese restaurants do offer tea, which my friends like to drink after having a full meal... But I haven't found the proper motivation to do it. Is rose tea nice? I like almost all things rose. Hehe

    6. it doesn't taste as strong at other teas and pinkish sya, which was interesting. i think that's what really got me. hehe. tapos hindi pala talaga sya rose tea. hahaha.

  2. Hey! Are we like long-lost sisters or something?? hehehehe. I love coffee, too. I'm not an expert either. I don't put cream/milk on my coffee and I prefer tea without sugar and milk.

    1. Heya!! Oooh, that we could be! :D Hahaha I guess the challenge comes in making the correct mixture the second time around, huh? LOL I really need to get my tea on. But I need boatloads of courage first! :)
