I started this post intent on ranting about the recent unfair, unjust, unbelievably effed up turn of events in my life. Then I thought about it a bit, and decided, what the heck, I might as well think about the positives in my life.
But life is unfair. It is a jagged little pill that is painfully hard to swallow, but we swallow it all the same. Not because we want to, but do we really have a choice?
I guess at some point we have to put on our big girl panties and face the world with a smile. C'est la vie, I say to myself. But I am not quite sure I have convinced myself enough.
To be honest, I am on the verge of going back to my favorite place by the river and cry another river about it. The only thing stopping me from doing it is the thought that there are worst cases out there, and mine... well, I'm just making a mountain out of my molehill.
I figured that we can curse life as much as we curse Mondays, but these things always come anyway. They hit us when we are down, daring us to stand up. Most of the time, I've stood up, brushed the dust off my gorgeous self, and mosey on. I hope I can do it this time around.
So yeah... life is unfair.
I hereby leave you with a last idea for this post. I think it makes a lot of sense.
By the way, if you are feeling sad, lonely, unappreciated, effed up, bewildered, crappy, unhappy, and all those damning thoughts, I hope you cheer up and see the sliver of hope all storm clouds have. Besides, if not for those storm clouds, we never would appreciate the light of day.